Fiqh Muamalat 1

  1. All transactions are justice is concerned with the affairs of the world, with regard to the activities of one's life, such as buying and selling, barter system, borrowing and lending, and so on.
  2. Muamalat is also the procedure or rules of human relationships among people to meet their needs and based on the laws of Allah S.W.T involving economic and social Islam.
  3. Transactions is defined in economics as the focus all of people to gain the pleasure of living in this world and salvation in the hereafter.
  4. All property that is in the universe, whether on earth or in the bottom of the sea belong to God in mutlak. The people asked to have the property provided by God through knowledge and skills to them. Their bestowed with wealth in the world is as the message of Allah and are responsible for these properties.
The Word of God S.W.T :
Meaning: Who has made the earth for you, easy to use, so walk everywhere and eat every nook and cranny of the things which the Almighty Allah and remember Allah belongs (your return) in the wake (so cherish the joy and fear his wrath)
(Surah Al-Mulk verse 15)
  1. Finding wealth is encouraged by Islam, because the property is a tools to achieve the pleasure of living in this world and in the Hereafter. The property is one that can meet his needs as well as to fulfill its responsibilities towards religion.
  2. In search of wealth, Muslims are required to use a portion of their wealth in charity and welfare benefits.
  3. To ensure the economic activities carried out by humans performed well and achieve the pleasure of Allah Islam has laid down some rules for achieving these goals.
Chapter 1.1: Transactions Regulations
  1. Finding wealth in a good and blessed by God S.W.T
  2. Adopt-a noble morality in the conduct of economic affairs with other parties, such as trust, fair, honest, do not cheat and others.
  3. Carry out an economic activity that will benefit the whole of mankind.
  4. All activities undertaken should be based on faith and piety to Allah and Islam. Faith in God is a fortress to prevent a person from doing things that are not welcome.
  5. All activities are carried out to establish relationship with other people. Benefits incurred in the course of economic activity will indirectly foster the spirit of unity and brotherhood among Muslims and non-Muslims.
Chapter 1.2: Purpose of Transactions
  1. That is so in human life is not going to happen any dishonesty as a prey-seizing, sloppy-encroaching on the ownership and deluded thinking and so on.
  2. Will the man himself is putting human values ​​and high standards to have the pleasure of Allah in this world and in the hereafter.
  3. Muamalat also determine the rules to try and work for people with a halal way.
(The Prophet s.a.w: meaning):
Abdullah bin An – Nukman bin Basyir r.anhuma said: "I heard the Prophet saying: it was real clean (clear ruling) and that illegal also clear (clear ruling) and in between the two (halal and illegal) that there are things syubhah (which will obviously not halal and prohibited), which is not known by many people, then those who watch from syubhah things he has liberated himself with religion and honor, and whoever falling into things syubhah then he has fallen into the unclean things, like a shepherd herding around a fenced pasture almost gembalaannya in animals and eat the grasses that are fenced. Then know that every king that she had a prohibited area, and know that Allah is indeed protected areas things - things that have been on the list goes it haram know that in the body there is a piece of flesh, if it whole body and if it is broken then broken watches of the whole body, for it is the heart. "
(Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Chapter 1.3: The Role of Transactions
1. Existing the peaceful and prosperous society. Transactions are carried out in accordance with Islamic law will create a safe and away from any fraud, extortion, injustice, monopolizing wealth and so on, this is the goal of the Islamic Muamalat for the benefit of mankind.
2. Muamalat in Islam seeks to prevent the occurrence of any human oppression. Islam forbids its followers to commit acts that are not good to be troublesome in the suppress.
3. It cause, all economic activities carried net of any act which is prohibited by Allah, we shall leave vile things like usury, corruption, fraud or other prohibited by Allah
(The Prophet s.a.w: Meaning):
Abu Huraira r.a. he said: The Prophet saw said, "Whoever gets wealth from illegal sources and then he donated the property, he will not get a reward, but sin that will override"
(Narrated by Ibn Khuzaimah, Ibn Hibban and Al-Halim)
4. Bermuafakat create a virtuous man in carrying a message of Allah
5. It easy for people to experience God's grace and pleasure with the correct technic. If no rule muamalat, people will do anything to acquire wealth, they will also use the property in accordance with the desires without considering the interests of others.
6. To encourage people to work hard to improve the economic status of the family, community and country.
7. Existing the community working together, and helping each other for the good and welfare.
8. It cause, the wealth provided by God not only in the monopoly by certain groups only. All human beings are entitled to and possession of the property in accordance with their capabilities as long as the right way and blessed by Allah swt
Chapter 1.4: Benefit Transactions
  1. Acquire wealth by way chosen by Allah S.W.T
  2. A person is able to use some of his wealth in charity.
  3. A person who uses his wealth for the benefit of other people will have their reward from Allah SWT
  4. Those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah will receive the blessings of living in this world and in the hereafter.
The Word of God s.w.t:
Meaning: Believe in Allah and His messenger, and spend (in charity) out part of the property (the gift of God) has made you heirs, then those of you who believe and spend (in the way of the real God) then fixed have a great reward.
(Surat al-Hadid, Verse 7)
  1. Regulations in accordance with Islamic bermuamalat indirectly create a virtuous man.
  2. To create a society that is fair, responsible, trustworthy, honest and free from doing anything that is not good.
  3. Among the effects that arise when muamalat conducted not in accordance with Islamic law, including:
a) Bringing the fighting and hostility
b) Produce an insecure society.
c) Produce individuals being selfish.
d) Get the property in a manner that is not kosher.
e) Using the property on the things that do not please God and wasteful.
f) Produce human greedy, selfish, greedy and willing to oppress others for the sake of self-interest.
References & Quotes taken from the Book:
1) Book Matla'al Badrain-Sheikh Daud Fattani compiled by Ibn mercy
2) Fiqh Shafi Volume 2-Ustaz Ahmad S.H H.Idris
3) Sharh Hadith 40-Mulla Ibrahim Khalil Khotir
4) Issue-DJ Sasbadi Pregnant @ Amir Abdul Hameed
5) Fiqh Muamalat & Crime / Fiqh 11 (PPJJ UKM)
i) Dr.Muhammad Hj Md Daud
ii) Dr.Ahmad Hj Kamaruddin Hamzah
6) The concept of Shariah in Islamic Banking System
i) BIMB Institute Of Research And Traning Sdn.Bhd (BIRT).
  1. That mention the price of capital goods purchased to be purchased with a condition that the goods be profit.
Example 1: For example, someone said: "This Stuff I bought for RM100, now give me 10% profit" and accepted by the people who will buy . Then, vendors for RM10 profit from buying the precious capital of RM100.
Example 2: For example, someone said: "I sell this house with my purchase price plus 10% profit."
Example 3: For example, someone said: "I sell to you as I have bought and gained one dirham on every ten dirhams" said the buyer, I accept it.Then, the lawful sale.
Example 4: For example, someone said: "I want to sell stuff that has shall it, when you want to buy all the stuff that every 10, I give you. So purchased is 9, while the other is a gift. "
  1. The means goods delivered (mandated) to a person that the goods be treated well appointed. So the mediator goods goods Wadiah message should be returned to the owners, when they came to ask.
The Word of God s.w.t:
Meaning: "Therefore let him who is entrusted to execute what is entrusted to him, and let him fear Allah".
(Surah Al-Baqarah verse 283)
The Word of God s.w.t:
Meaning: "Allah commanded you, so that the message is delivered to the person entitled to receive it (the owners)."
(Surah An-Nisa 'verse 58)
  1. The word Salam deliver the original meaning or grace, the sense here is selling an item that is deemed to be the liability of a person in order to sell or order (order items).
Example 1: For example, Ali Zaid said to him: "I strike a woll cloth pants from a light yellow, size 105cm long, 70cm waist, great legs 25.5cm, 43cm wide hips, back pocket and so the price of RM100.
The Word of God s.w.t:
Meaning: "O ye who believe, when you contract a debt (reprieved) until a certain time, then you can write (and the debt repayment) it.
(Surah Al-Baqarah verse 282)
  1. The term in Arabic, the word Ijarah refers to payments given to people who do a job as a reward for what he did.
Example 1: Ahmad came to bring a piece of cloth to a tailor to be made trousers, tailoring the guarantee in his confession, that the jeans will be completed within 3 days. When the time came, the Ahmad came to take his trousers and handed over the money of RM 50 to tailor it.
The Word of God s.w.t:
Meaning: Any one of the two women said: "O my father take him to be hired (herding our goats), surely the best of men for thee to employ is the strong man be trusted. Her father said (to Moses) "I want to marry with one of two daughters, on condition that thou serve me for eight years, in the meantime if you complete 10 years, then that is of your own accord. And (remember) I shall not trouble you, you will find me, inshallah, from the righteous. "
(Surah Al-Qasas verse 26-27)
  1. To make the property as security for a debt that is meant to make the goods as security for a debt and the payment of, if not able to pay the debt later.
The Word of God s.w.t:
Meaning: "And if you're on the way (and you owe) and you do not get people who will write then be handed to the security hold".
(Surah Al-Baqarah verse 283)
AL-WAKALAH (proxy)
  1. That’s means a person who submits a business to others on what can be delegated according to Islamic law, so that the person delegated to do something that is handed to him as long as the hand is alive.
  2. Al-wakalah more respect muamalat & Munakahat like chapters and chapters of sale and purchase wedding and others. Delegate void prayer, fasting and other matters associated with the worship of Hajj & Umrah except (both of which can be delegated), because worship is the human relationship with his Lord.
The Word of God s.w.t:
Meaning: "So go send (send) a judge of a family man and a judge from her, if both the middle Duan (sincerely) seeks to reconcile".
(Surah An-Nisa 'verse 35)
Al-MUDHARABAH (Profit Sharing)
  1. The language is traveling for business.
The Word of God s.w.t:
Meaning: "And the other people who are traveling the earth to search for the Bounty of Allah."
(Surah Al-Muzammil verse 20)
  1. Mudharabah is also known by the name qiradh the cut, because the person who owns the property to cut a property to be sold with the property.
  2. Mudharabah also known as mu'amalah is meant here is an agreement an agreement made ​​by two parties:
The first: Give some money to the second party to do business, provided the profit is divided between them by agreement, as promised, such as 1 / 2,1 / 3 and so on.
The second: Endeavour or dealing with capital provided by the first follow all the conditions agreed by both parties.
  1. It is an unconditional debt or a promise to pay back more than the debt, but give consolation to the owner of the current debt to pay, not because of the condition or promise.
Example 1: A debt of another person without the condition or promise of any payment or benefit more, in the contract or outside the contract or before the debt is explained but when people pay the debt it owes to reward or prize to the owner of the debt.
Example 2: Ali pay a debt to Abu RM50 RM3 well be a consolation.
  1. Sales with deferred or installment sale is to sell something to hasten the delivery of goods sold to the buyer and the delay cost price up to a set time or a fee gradually.
For example: antique chairs, cash price RM2000, RM2200 if grace.
References & Quotes taken from the Book:
1) Book Matla'al Badrain-Sheikh Daud Fattani compiled by Ibn mercy
2) Fiqh Shafi Volume 2-Ustaz Ahmad S.H H.Idris
3) Sharh Hadith 40-Mulla Ibrahim Khalil Khotir
4) Issue-DJ Sasbadi Pregnant @ Amir Abdul Hameed
5) Fiqh Muamalat & Crime / Fiqh 11 (PPJJ UKM)
i) Dr.Muhammad Hj Md Daud
ii) Dr.Ahmad Hj Kamaruddin Hamzah
6) The concept of Shariah in Islamic Banking System
i)BIMB Institute Of Research And Traning Sdn.Bhd (BIRT).
  1. Purchase Agreement from the term language was changed to something else. In Islamic terminology is changing the property of the property in accordance with the particular ways.
Arguments should and halal trading:
i) Firman Allah s.w.t says: -
"And Allah has permitted trading and forbidden usury." (Surah Al-Baqarah: verse 275)
ii) Firman Allah s.w.t means: -
"Do not eat the property that is in between you in vanity, except by way of sale and purchase is pleased with you." (Surah An-Nisaa ': Verse 29)
iii) The Holy Prophet s.a.w which means: -
"Indeed, it is born from the trading-meredhai pleased."
(Reported by Ibn Hibban)
  1. Wisdom permissible trading: -
i) Allah has created human nature that requires a change in the property interest between people, whether through buying and selling, tenancy and so on.
ii) The availability of these trading rules will terhindarlah maja-seized or confiscated incident of robbery in which humans would have no property on him.
iii) with one another is to teach people to live together and live under the rule of law.
  1. Pillars of trading divided into six: -
i) Vendor
ii) the Purchaser
iii) the purchase price
iv) The goods
v) Sighah (pronouncement seller)
vi) qabul (pronouncement buyer)
  1. Conditions seller and buyer: -
i) baligh and understanding
ii) Not bankrupt or stupid
iii) No forced
iv) Muslim
v) Independence
vi) Not dealing with the enemies of Islam.
  1. The conditions and prices of goods sold: -
i) The goods must be pure and clean.
ii) the goods belong to the seller's own ayau dealer
iii) Submit the goods to the buyer during a sale and purchase contract.
The Holy Prophet s.a.w which means: -
"From Abu Hurairah that the Prophet Muhammad was banned from selling sales intrigue."
iv) Sellers and buyers must know the nature, pace and nature of goods sold.
  1. Conditions Ijab (pronouncement Vendor) qabul (pronouncement Shopper)
i) No other words punctuated by a contract when buying and selling.
ii) There is punctuated by a long silence in between consent and qabul
iii) Equal Ijab qabul although different in terms of its meaning in terms of sighah
iv) Not limited time.
v) Not bertakliq.
  1. When not enough rules and conditions in the sale and purchase is not valid.
  2. Conditions buying holy Al-Quran and Al-Hadith it shall Muslims.
  3. Several questions involving the sale and purchase: -
i) Not valid selling wild animals.
ii) No shit legally sell something that can not be purified.
Unauthorized sale of property which was mortgaged to another person except with the consent of the person holding the mortgage.
The meaning of Usury:
  1. The language is more or fertile.
  2. In the Shariah is an agreement for an exchange of certain goods but not known similarity according to Islamic counts when aqad or known equation using both the change or either one of them.
Usury is divided into three parts: -
a) Riba Al-Fadhl - Laptops paid more at a party that turns things on the scales.
For example: One kilo of rice due to two kilos of rice of the same type.
b) Riba Al-Yad - usury paid more because not acceptable in the dealings aqad.
For example: A person who beraqad RM 100.00 but when outside aqad paid RM 105.00.
c) Riba Al-nasi'ah - usury paid more because of missed payment or payments the same but different types.
For example: loan of RM 100.00 then repaid .RM 120.00 or ordinary rice but give loan payable super rice. Reference of the Fiqh Manhaji.Jilid 3 Issued Darul Qalam, Damascus .Tahun 2000 m / s: 59-61
Textual prohibition of riba ':
Allah S.W.T says:
"Allah has permitted trading and forbidden usury. "
(Surah Al - Baqarah - Verse 275)
Allah S.W.T says:
" Who believe, do not consume usury, which multiplied and fear Allah that ye may prosper."
(Surah Ali Imran - Verse 130)
The Holy Prophet s.a.w which means:
"Allah has cursed those who eat usury unrepresentative people in it, and secretaries and witnesses, and they said they were the same. "
(Narrated by Muslim)
Wisdom forbidden usury:
  1. Riba is an oppression and exploitation of the poor because the poor poorer, increasing worried mind for thinking about how to pay the ever-increasing debt when the late payment of interest thereon.
  2. The consuming riba 'become richer and easier.
  3. Riba 'of eating will lead a life of leisure without work and effort while Islam encourages its followers to strive and work.
  4. Riba may alienate damaging relations between the rich eater of usury to the poor so will cause chaos in the society and the nation emerge here and there robbery, murder and so on.
Terms of the sale of goods in order to avoid riba ': -
  1. goods of the same kind: -
a) Should the same measurement or weight them.
b) Should the same as cash.
c) Should the council aqad accepted.
  1. Items which are not of the same type: -
a) shall be in cash.
b) shall accepted in aqad council.
  1. If the exchange of goods of different kinds of rice and money and so not subject to any conditions and accessible to as the agreement between the two parties.
(Reference Book - Book Matla'al Badrain - Sheikh Daud Fattani)
  1. valuable property / value of each property is held by a person and syara` require its use.
For example: all kinds of immovable and movable properties of the delicacies or the like.
  1. Real worthless / worth is property that is not in storage or held the fish in the river, the birds of the air also minerals that are in the bowels of the earth or the property is not to be used on syara` such as alcohol, pork, both these two should not be for Muslims
  2. use except when emergencies only such magnitude thirst or hunger that can lead to death if not used.
  3. The purpose of the distribution of property to the property is valuable and not valuable:
1. valuable property is valid for all the religious affairs of such trade, grant, loan, mortgage, wills and the companies.
2 Real worthless the religious void in all matters such as illegal selling of alcohol and pork.
3 Compulsory compensate by damaging valuable property damages either identical goods, if any, or pay the price.
4 Real worthless optional compensate the damage.
  1. Immovable property – property that can not be removed or altered from their original places such as building and land
  1. Moveable property – property that can be removed or altered from its places whether the form and nature remain with removed or changed shape such as the money, good for business, animals or others
  1. Sometimes turned into moveable and immovable otherwise.
  1. Interest distribution to the moveable and immoveable properties are in accordance with the laws of fiqh differences